Common things, common cities I (Nicosia, Cyprus)

Man always walks around, just walking, just drinking, just spending his whole life. He is always unter a continuous movement ( for shoping, making money, searching for happiness) while at the same time everything stay always there around us, in its position, front or beside of us, and we aren't able to see them. Although we don't know simple things, like what is happiness, we have the knowledge of everything. We pass them by. But we stop in front of clothing stores. Usually nothing happens, but man spends his valuable life searching for a little glitter, for a little stardust, or like an actor who must find his key light, to feel like a luminus, glowing star under a theatrical lightbeam, feeding his vanity, working in vain. Unfortunately, he would never see the sun's tiny movements and how he moves the shadows around us.

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...η μελέτη του σώματος δίνει την αίσθηση ανείπωτης περιπλοκής...
Φρ. Νιτσε